Saturday, August 25, 2012


I am now less than the sum of all my parts – in pieces
Like bits fell off something stopped working - strange
It’s like I am coming apart at the seams - breaking up
All those parallel things I do every day - disconnected
Hotel was booked for the week before I travel - dumb
One thousand euro lost due to card cloning - careless
Plans change I end up in the wrong place - drowning
People run away and ignore my requests - abandoned
Projects symphony becomes a cacophony - confusing
I feel like Alice going down the rabbit hole - dissociated
Normality is absent now as I spin around - breakdown?
My perception of the world has changed - problematical
I better get someone to glue me back together - quickly
Otherwise I will become invisible and irrelevant – not good
Like a set useless parts with no instructions - disassembled

iPod Washing

My life is full of choices I do not want to make,
If they came a little slower, I wouldn’t feel so bad,
But I sometimes feel I’m drowning, when they
Come from every angle, so I really cannot breathe.
My life is full of tricks, that I use to help me cope,
My favourite is my iPod, of which I have a few,
I listen to my music loud, so nothing can intrude,
I just repeat a favourite bar, a hundred times
Or more, it’s like a drug to me because, I need
It all the time, sometimes I forget and bring
It in my bath, which makes the man at Apple
A very happy man, because I need, a new one
Every time, the price I think is small because,
It protects me from all those choices, which
Would simply make me sad, and I can make
The ones I want to make, exactly when I wish.

My life is full of choices I do not want to make,
 So I suppose the iPod washing is because, it
Really is my tap, to let some choices in, and stop
The drowning feeling, which too many choices bring.

Monday, October 18, 2010


Five, sex, seven
If and only if,
You are from Belfast.

If this is true
Why did they not focus on the sex?

“Make Love not War” etc.

Who really cares about religion?

Especially today.


Narrow single fall-out bedroom fear,
Four poster dreaming fantasy love,
King size suite is playing-field empty,
Twin queens wondering if just for queens.

Hard or soft, big or small, no fun alone.

These sleepless thoughts caused,
By ever increasing jetlagged jetlag,
Which now feels more like hangover,
But unshiftible with a walk or hairy dog.


Sitting here in this heat, thinking slow,
Your last night loving thaws my icy soul,
This SILY snowman loves the feeling as,
My cold cold heart is melting to you love.


Halfway across Europe, missing you,

Missing me, forever absent always near.

Moments of intense closeness, followed by

Absence, more painful than a root canal,

But, the moments together, precious,

Beyond feeling, more intense than

Things, which we fill our lives for

Comfort, an antidote to the

Loneliness, that is part,

Of global living



There was never any objection or obligation or any-big-thing in this,
There was never any problem or procrastination or pride in this,
There was never drama or doubt or decision in this,
Only love.

There was never any concern or confusion or conundrum in this,
There was never any plan or principle or project in this,
There was never any struggle or soul-searching or sorrow in this,
Only love.